Monday, June 13, 2011

Better life partner

Presentation: Of did not want to have a good life partner for him? Is it women do not want to have a good life partner? But both men and women want to do so and hopes, but how to be a piece? Let us now look for it and its symbols.
Sow seeds happy love: You are responsible for your happiness, and you can overcome your worries if you do other things to cover these concerns. You are responsible for your happiness, such as the risk that you eat and drink.
Any relationship between two parties based on give and take, otherwise failed. As you take must be given, even if not given will end the relationship, whether between spouses or partners, or two brothers.

It is not necessary to be give and take materialists. There are feelings of love, but must be matched by the introduction of a tender.
If your life has to take without giving, it can not be happy.
giving much sweeter, when we live for ourselves only, and seems to us a short little life, starting from where we are aware of, and expire at the end of our lives is limited.
But when we live for others, and when we live for people, life seems a long deep, starting from where humanity began, and after stretching Mpharguetna face of this earth.

Life Partner - - P3 by ddesi
We win the individual times of our lives in this case, the fact Nrbhaa not two, portraying life as such, makes our Boyamna and our watches and moments.
It is not life a number of years, but the number of emotions.
When we live for ourselves, we are born young, and live young, die young.
When we live our lives for the people Imitdd age of everyone we have introduced a smile and joy to his life.
We are living a double life of ourselves, when we live for others, and as far as we redouble our sense of others, we redouble our sense of our lives, and this double life itself in the end.
Minimum short time, and age where a few small, and the rest of your life a little handful of a few.
More than a few good turn to many because the happiness of those around you is the expansion and extension of the age, because when you give people a place in the age of your life. If you responded to the good that did them as if they increased in age.
If not shot him, the age entered in the age and infiltrated the human. After that, imagine your gift.
The idea of ​​giving happiness. Vosaad around you happy. Because the happiness in the happiness of the people.
I am making love.
Man in need of love, need the word 'love' and to those who give him affection. Not looking for those who loves you, but sow seeds harvested love love.
I am making love, to learn how to love and be happy around you.
You need to learn to love even living people. Is there a person who does not know how to love? Of course, impossible. All people love, but the problem in the ability to express love.
Many people are unable to express feelings of love. The problem just imagine that love comes from inside you is the ultimate thing. But to no avail, if not accompanied and gifts.
There are characters like reticent and secretive, like the man who stifles his passion for his wife and children, and did not reflect it.
* There are characters, despite harsh love, but one that does not believe she likes.
* There are characters that you think that the dignity prevents her from expressing her love. Brings to the words and methods of love on one hand,  and shape on one hand, and choose hoary because they see that they are incompatible.
* A shy Tkhalgel figures that show the feelings of love.
* There are characters and the most important thing to have the guidance, as some parents, who are directing them to the large number of day and night are not able to express their love for their children,
Has overshadowed the commands and prohibitions on the relationship, Vassab them to show emotion beyond.
* There are characters and emotional, but believes that the other party does not deserve love, either because something bad in it, or the position of the offended, do not deserve to give him her love. Therefore do not reflect her love for him.
* A mean-spirited characters 'souls and brought scarcity'. Scarcity of souls is worse than lack of pockets.
* There are characters and see that the force is solved complex problems, not love at all.
* There are hopes that the characters express their emotions and do not know how, and what are the means by which to express to her love for others. Love has the means but do not know.
All these lack the fun is pretty fun to express love. Because of the characteristics of love that a reciprocal relationship between two parties, it must be planted love to reap love.
The lack of exchange of love between people makes them lack the most beautiful happiness in this world.

Love drives the stone. Love is stronger cure for the problems can not be addressed without love, like other problems.
Love an alternative to blood in many cases. Love turns the enemy into a friend.
All of these have a passion for they are human beings, but they Muftkaddon how to express them, and they are so Muftkaddon happiness and suffering for not more
Their ability to express what's inside them, and thus deprived of the sweetest happiness in this world. The most beautiful God's creation of human beings is love. All people love but not all people are able to express their love.
Thus, losing share their feelings with others.
The fact that love does not bring happiness, but to make tender love and are very happy.
Love the most powerful weapon in the world.
If you want to serve the world, arms of love is stronger than a weapon of force. If you want to serve your children, arms of love is stronger than a weapon of punishment.
But if you fight the enemies you can and you are unarmed and are heavily armed with love. Deadly enemies of love, and earn all the people love, and gather around you and your spouse and your children and your family love, and love your problems faced complex.
This has been implemented in your network. You know the management by objectives, management motivation and so on. However, there are management called Management of love.
Love the best way to guide your children. Made love. Love the best way for education and guidance.
The people through the love first. Golf advices love, and to stimulate young love.
- How do parents face when their children wrong?
You see a parent go to his son by saying: 'When I was your age I did not neglected so on ..
Abandoned failed '. And sees his daughter says: 'You will not Tnjehi wife, and you neglected'.
You think that the reason this is true, but you did not start first passion.
Youth needs you to enter his heart to his mind, because the Prophet (r) make love through the router. Brought to love first, then the advice.

Say words of love to those around you directly. Declare your love.
Not remain silent nor inhibitions are not ashamed of them. Directed spontaneously. Expressed in plain words. This is the hardest way. Call the most powerful means of expression. Say words of love to those around you moving, unashamedly and concealment, openly and spontaneously.
Kind words are the words of love are all moving with your child, with your spouse, with your father and your mother, with your brothers, with all the people.
Tried transmitters that you have in sow love. I am making love to your son without conditions.
I love your husband if Iattlk love. Give people love. Give love the thrill of the thrill of what follows.
Treat others with love. Working spouse with love. Factor family with love. Workers and parents love.
Solve the complex problems of love with others, face your problems with love and not by force, The Prophet (r) solves complex problems difficult for me.

Qualities of the man loved to be at his wife.
These recipes wanted men, but he desires and aspires to be his wife works and is characterized by:
1 - obedience to God in secret and in public, and obedience to His Messenger, peace be upon him, and to be valid.
2 - that with regard to herself and his property in his absence.
3 - If you consider that pleased with it, and the beauty of the physical, mental and spiritual, the more beautiful the woman is elegant in appearance, the more attractive to her husband and grown attached to her.
4 - Do not leave home without his permission.
5 - the man loves his wife, always smiling.
6 - for women to be thankful for her husband, she thanks God for the blessing of marriage, which
Oaanha fortifications on the same and had a child because of him, and became a mother.
7 - to choose a timely and appropriate way when you request something you want, and rejected fears that the husband in a manner of good and choose the right words that have occurred in the self.

8 - to be of good character.
9 - not out of the house and makeup.
10 - that does not raise her voice against her husband if Jadlth.
11 - to be patient on the poverty of her husband if he is poor, grateful to her singing that was rich.
12 - to urge the pair in connection with his parents and friends and the ties of kinship.
13 - to love the good and strive to publish it.
14 - to demonstrate honesty and away from the lies.
15 - to raise her children the love of God and His Messenger, peace be upon him, and to bring them up as well as to respect their father and obey him and do not help them is to hate her husband and to continue to errors.
16.To move away from anger and emotion.
17 - should not make fun of others and do not make fun of their own.
18 - to be modest, far from the arrogance and pride and showing off.
19 - that turned a blind eye if I came out of the house.
20 - to be an ascetic in the world to come to the Hereafter Trjawa to meet God.
21 - Mtoklp be to God in secret and in public, is furious and desperate.
22 - to maintain what is imposed by the act of worship.

23 - to recognize that her husband is her master, God said (to her master and Alfiah
24 - to learn that the right of the husband by the great, greater than her right to her husband.
25 - do not hesitate in a recognized, but also speed up the recognition and invited to explain the reasons for that.
26 - to the memory of God, meditates her tongue always the remembrance of Allah.
27 - you do not mind to have intercourse with her husband the way you want and how they want
Except in the back passage.
28 - demands that are within the limits of her power not weigh it and be satisfied with less.
29 - not be arrogant its youth and beauty and knowledge and work of all of that is fleeting.
30 - to be clean of Almttehrat in her body and her clothes and appearance and elegance.
31 - to obey him if he tells her something is not a sin to God and to His Messenger, may Allah bless him.
32 - If your wish is not given anything to it.
33 - not to fast a voluntary fast without his permission.
34 - that does not allow one to enter his house in his absence without his permission if
Non-mahram, because that home semi.
35 - that does not describe the other to her husband, because that is a great danger to the family.

36 - that characterized by shyness.
37 - you do not mind if he calls her to bed.
38 - not to ask her husband for divorce, that it is haraam.
39 - to provide the demands of her husband and his orders to others, even her parents.
40 - not to put her clothes in her husband's house.
41 - to move away from imitating men.
42 - Remember that prayer intercourse if her husband harmed.
43 - that does not publish the secrets of marital sexual enjoyment, not to describe the girls
44 - that does not hurt her husband.
45 - wanted men in the
His wife to manipulate, "The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him
Jabir may Allah be pleased with him (HLA current players and the players)
46 - if they finished intercourse perform ghusl together, because it increases the bonds of love between them, said Aisha, may Allah be pleased ((I used to bathe the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him from one vessel, which differ in our hands, from the impurity)).
47 - that does not spend his money without his permission.
48 - if you hated her husband, she has created in the patient, you may find it better to create another
And beautiful, you may not find it when anyone else, if he divorced her.
49 - to save the only nakedness of her husband.
50 - to know what he wants and wants to eat her food, and are eaten favorites.
51 - to be of the religion of Allah ordered list of a portfolio of rights and his bed, her husband and children and his wealth, certain his obedience to God, the forgot reported.
52 - that is the man that is important to have and that she needed him and then position
equivalent to food and water, when the man felt that his wife is in need to more upbeat
, and when he felt were ignored and she sang in him, whether wealthy or intellectual , the same Tmlha.

53 - to get away from the husband to remind his mistakes and lapses, but always seeking to recover memories that have passed them and having a good effect on themselves.
54 - to show her love and the respect and appreciation for her husband's family
, And makes him feel so, and let them in front of him in his absence, and feel how much her husband is happy for his family by themselves, because the distaste for his family is born between them and her husband, many of the problems that threaten the marital life.
55 - that seeks to touch the loves of her husband's clothing and food, behavior, and try to exercise because it increased the husband to love his wife and their attachment to it.
56 - to file it if the words came out of the house dear to himself and reached to the door of the house and this shows the extent of interest in her husband, and their attachment to it.
57 - If returned from outside the home is experiencing welcomed with joy and obedience and to try to alleviate the hassles of work with him.
58 - to show her love for her husband, both in their behavior or saying in any way it deems appropriate.
59 - to influence her husband on the people closest to them, even if it was her father.
60 - if he wants to silence the speech, and give it the opportunity to speak, and listen to it, and this man feels that his wife is interested in him.
61 - to stay away from repeating the error, because if they repeated the error will be less respect for her husband.
62 - should not praise a foreigner in front of her husband only to the status of a religious man,
Because it raises the jealous man and generates numerous family problems, has been distracted husband for his wife.
63 - to maintain mystery and the spread of it and this section of the Secretariat.
64 - that is not preoccupied with something in the case of her husband with her, if you read a magazine or listen to the radio, but it is the husband with a heart and mind and spirit.
65 - to be a few words, and not to be talkative, and if the old saying
Speech is silver but silence is gold.

66 - that the use of her time including benefit her in this world and the Hereafter, so spend the time
Vacuum what is useful and delegate, and away from the exploitation of the time Balqil gossip and chatter and gossip and backbiting.
67 - not including Taatbaha not then.
68 - be inherent to read the Koran and the useful scientific books, as if
Have received a daily basis.
69 - to avoid adornment and perfume if left outside the home.
70 - to be a farewell to God Almighty and His Messenger, peace be upon him
Let her husband and her family first and then the surrounding community, of neighbors and friends and relatives.
71 - to respect the opinion of the wife of her husband, and this out of courtesy and respect.
72 - Behndam to take care of her husband and his physical appearance if it comes out of the house to interview
His friends, because they look to clean clothes, if they saw that responded to his wife
And considered it a source of clean and Invert.
73 - to give her husband custody of all rights stipulated by the Almighty God in the same happy and energetic and clear without laziness or procrastination and Virtue.
74 - should stay away from fads and magic and magicians and charlatans because that is beyond the pale of a path of loss and destruction in the world and the Hereafter.
75 - to submit everything in her house and under its auspices, such as food, for example, and not make the maid and cook as well as providing food, because the dependence of women on the maid destroys married life and kill it and disperses the family.
76 - to avoid fashion that women go out for hacmtha and Literature Islamic offices.
77 - to please her husband if he was angry with her as soon as possible so as not to widen the problems and get used to it and accustomed to both sides of the family.
78 - that are able to deal with her husband, first with the other people second.
79 - that the wife should be a good example when her colleagues and her friends, in the proverbial Hndamha Rzantha and speech and literature and morals.
80 - to commit themselves to legitimate the Islamic veil, and avoid wearing the burqa and veils and other things that spread at the present time.
81 - to be simple, but far-fetched, in wear, appearance, and adornments.
82 - that does not allow others to interfere in her marriage, and if there are problems in
Her married life, trying to resolve without the intervention of parents or relatives or friends.
83 - If her husband traveled for any reason, let his good and safety, and
in the absence of reservation, and if he made contact with it through the phone to him with concerns Atenkdmind, if you tell him Kpracejia, but are required to accelerate to reassure and fondled Spreading happiness to the ears, and choose beautiful words, which urges him on the speed of the meeting.
84 - to consult with her husband in their own affairs and public, and instil confidence in her husband and that typically consulted by him in business affairs (if it is her own money), because that increases the confidence and respect of her husband.
85 - take into account the feeling of her husband, and what harms it away from saying or doing or creating bad.
86 - to make her husband and show sincerity of his cordiality, and marital life without that kind words and beautiful expressions of warm, is a life may Varguetha marital happiness.
87 - to participate in her husband's thinking in Salah al-marital life, and make solutions for Imran House.

88 - that is not festooned with ornaments babe show her body to the virtues of men other than her husband, even to her father and brothers.
89 - if the a gift to thank him, and show her love and joy for this gift, even if it is not appropriate or precious gift to her and desire, joy, because that proves her love to the husband, and if you received a gift or complained of this speeds up the band and hatred and hatred between the spouses.
90 - to be a Kamal Jamal sensory appearance, beauty and moral perfection, a religion and morals, the more a woman convicted and created a more complete self-love to the end of the safest.
91 - to strive to know the psychological Mzajith her husband and, when happy, and when sad, when angry and when he laughs and when to cry, because it avoids lots and lots of marital problems.
92 - to provide advice and guidance to her husband and the husband takes her view, the Messenger of Allah
Peace be upon him our ideal was to take the opinion of his wives in many positions.
93 - to be courted and respect her husband, nor be late for something that you should apply it, not moving in something like that delayed it.
94 - to know its flaws, and try to repair, and to accept the husband to clarify its flaws, "said Omar Bin Al Khattab may Allah be pleased with him and in that of the Salah family.
95 - that the exchange of her husband's respect and appreciation in every sense.
96 - to be a distinct personality, far from imitating others, both to wear them or saying or behavior in general.
97 - to be realistic in all its affairs.
98 - to go out with her husband for a walk in the limits of the officer of legitimacy, and to try to bring joy and happiness to her family.
99 - is the key word is the heart, and the husband is more than love for his wife whenever she told him sweet word with meaning and emotional significance, especially when the husband knows that this beautiful word emanating from the heart of truly loving.

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